stay young and beautiful
JoinedTopics Started by stay young and beautiful
by stay young and beautiful in .
this is concerning nutrition and behavior, it could change your life for the better!
if you devote just 45 minutes watching this, it is really worth it.
2 months to Christmas
by worldtraveller inhere's something to cheer everyone up - enjoy barry white and have a great weekend!
California Wildfires = The end?
by RollerDave ini just got a call from my jw mom asking if i was watching the news.. i'm like, "no, what's up?".
i'm imagining something must really be up, like we invaded some more countries or mushroom clouds over american cities, or maybe somebody famous did something horrible in public, or something.. she tells me 'half of california is burning.'.
i'm like "yeah, it's been doing that for a while now.".
I am no longer a Ministerial Servant
by inkling inwell, they officially announced me no longer being a ms last night.
you know how when a televised trial ends with the verdict coming back .
from the jury and all the cameras are on the accused?
Amazing backflip at the sunday meeting - Nostradamus and 2012
by stay young and beautiful inbeen lurking for many a year now.
my life works in seasons and i find myself doing at one time of the year something which i did at the same time the last year, and so on.
it's at around this time that i begin to focus on my old jw life.
Courage of a blind man
by JH inevery day, i see this man who lives in my neighbourhood, and he walks around the block twice a day.
he is completely blind.
he must be about 65 years old.
my JW boyfriend wants reinstatement. What do i do
by worldly girl81 infor the past 5 months i have been in a wonderful relationship.
he and i had started out as friends a few years ago, but realized that we were attracted to each other while he was going through his divorce earlier this year.
he and his now ex wife are both jws .
Watchtower Secret Society....
by Sarah Smiles inhere is part of the posted watchtower on the wtbts .
secret groups in modern times have often been formed for quite honorable reasons, possibly for "social and benevolent purposes," according to the encyclopdia britannica, and "to carry out charitable and educational programs.
" some fraternal organizations, youth clubs, social clubs, and other groups are also secret, or at least semisecret.
Amazing Grace/how sweet the sound-some of my favourite gospel/worship music
by Guest with Questions inthis song has always been one of my favourites.
wintley phipps tells the history of the song.
very moving.. amazing grace:
PBS Movie on Wed 6/14/00
by waiting inaccording to a post on h20 which led me to the pbs website, there will be an original movie on wed. 6/14/00.
the movie is about a german preacher (not jw) who stood up to the nazis and suffered greatly.
it should be worth watching.